Sonnedix SolQuest

User Guide

TERMS OF USE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY (this “Terms of Use and Waiver”)


In consideration of the download, and use of SolQuest VR software together, with any instructional resources and/or equipment associated with, the “VR system”) owned, produced or managed by Sonnedix (the “Company”), I acknowledge, agree and represent that I am aware that the VR system is only recommend for use of those over 7 years old and that it can present dangers that may pose a risk to health and safety, despite the precautions for safety taken by the Company. By downloading and using the VR system, I further agree and warrant as follows on my own behalf and/or on behalf of minors identified below (if the user is a minor):

1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I hereby release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue the Company, its controlling persons, affiliates, subsidiaries, individual officers, directors, managers, shareholders, representatives, administrators, employees and agents, and all of their successors and assigns acting officially or otherwise, from any and all liability, arising or resulting from or in connection with my negligence, actions, inactions, or otherwise, as a result of my use of the VR System including, but not limited to, liability for property damage or loss, or bodily, personal or mental injury, including death. As used in this Release and Waiver, “I” and “my” shall include a minor user where a legal guardian or educational institution is signing on behalf of such minor users and shall include a user’s (minor or not) successors, assigns, representatives, and heirs.

2. I further agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Company against any liability arising from my negligence or otherwise and from all claims, losses, judgments, expenses, and damages (including without limitation attorneys’ fees) of any kind as a result of, arising out of, or in connection with my use of the VR system.

3. I acknowledge that it is my sole responsibility to evaluate carefully the risks inherent in using the VR System and that I have fully considered those risks, including, without limitation, dangers posed by willful or negligent conduct of myself and/or by others.

4. I acknowledge and voluntarily assume full responsibility for, and full risk of, property damage or loss, or bodily, mental, or personal injury, including death, relating to my use of the VR system.

5. I acknowledge that I am not an employee of the Company or its agents during use of the VR system.

6. I acknowledge that timely medical attention cannot be guaranteed by the Company.

7. I agree that this Terms of Use and Waiver is intended to be as broad as possible and inclusive, and that if any portion of this document is held invalid, the remaining provisions shall be binding and continue in full force and effect.

8. I acknowledge that use of the VR System and its activities have been explained to me through the relevant resources, and all of my questions answered to my complete satisfaction.

9. This Release and Waiver may not be amended, modified or waived except in writing executed by the Company and the undersigned. I represent and warrant that I have all rights and authority to enter into this Release and Waiver and to grant the rights as set forth herein. This Release and Waiver is governed by the law in the country of use and any action arising out of or related to this Release and Waiver shall lie in the state courts sitting in the country of use.

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Zanurz się w świecie energii słonecznej i poznaj technologie zdolne do wytwarzania czystej energii elektrycznej i kreowania świetlanej przyszłości dla wszystkich!

Sonnedix SolQuest zabierze cię w wirtualną podróż do starożytnego, najbardziej suchego i pustynnego świata: na pustynię Atacama w Chile. Tutaj poznasz Sonnedix Atacama Solar, naszą dotychczas największą farmę solarną. W trakcie tej podróży dowiesz się wszystkiego o energii słonecznej i jej roli w kreowaniu świetlanej przyszłości dla wszystkich.

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