Celebrating World Bee Day supporting Beekepers in our solar PV plants

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8 June, 2021

The UN has designated 20 May 2021 as World Bee Day, to raise awareness of the importance of bees and other pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development.

Why are bees so important?

There are around 20,000 species of bee in the world, and pollinators affect 35% of global agricultural land and nearly 90% of all wild flowering plants. A world without pollinators would equal a world without food diversity – no blueberries, coffee, chocolate, cucumbers and so much more. Three out of four crops producing fruits or seeds for human use as food depend, at least in part, on pollinators.

What is Sonnedix doing to help?

Initially, in a project led by Sonnedix Asset Manager Lionel Maury called “Un Toit pour les Abeilles” (A Roof for Bees), our team in France spent 1 year helping to support 10 beehives per site across four PV plants, to tackle the worldwide decline in the bee population and support local beekeepers. That's over 30 million bees at any one time. Over the past few years Sonnedix has installed more beehives across our plants in France, helping millions more bees as we grow.

What can WE ALL do?
  • Plant bee-friendly flowers
  • Reduce your use of pesticides
  • Buy local honey to support bee keepers
  • Share knowledge and awareness of the importance of bee’s and the threats they are facing.


Hear from some of the Beekeepers at our solar PV plants in France:

Beekeeper: Frédéric J.

Site: Cabasse (Soleol I)

"For almost 4 years now, Sonnedix has sponsored our beehives at their Cabasse site through Un Toit Pour Les Abeilles. This partnership provides me with a secure location, protected from vandalism and theft - in the heart of nature, where I can harvest rosemary, thyme, and scrubland honey in the spring. Thanks to the financial assistance received, I can devote myself to the bees! Also, Sonnedix's partnership with the bird protection line entails leaving fallow areas which provides additional food diversity for our bees. For all these years, Sonnedix's staff has been there for me, and made me more concerned about environmental issues. I thank the management, represented by Lionel, for the trust placed in us, for being deeply involved in this, and for an excellent management of sponsorship through Un Toit Pour Les Abeilles.

Beekeeper: Grégoire H.

Site: Saint-Martin Lalande

"It's been 5 years since I installed 10 beehives at the Sonnedix solar PV plant in Saint Martin Lalande. And since then, the bees have never left the enclosure. They like it here. They make delicious honey each year, which we've been able to share with Lionel! Sonnedix's sensitivity towards environmental issues, including the preservation of bees, made them push for the start of this partnership which, today, allows me to be even more committed to the care of my bees. Having a fixed income has also been truly beneficial for me, providing a more secure environment for me, aside from the risks inherent in this activity. I am very grateful for this collaboration!"

Beekeeper: Philippe H.

Site: Sulauze & Elecsol

"During several years, Sonnedix has sponsored the beehives of Gaec Huguel in four sites through Un Toit Pour Les Abeilles. This sponsorship allowed GAEC to install new behives in other locations and also develop our flock. The financial aid received is allowing us to re-invest in new colonies and hives. I thank Lionel, and Sonnedix, for the support provided through these years to us, and of course to our bees!"

Beekeeper: Philippe K

Site: Uglas

"Thank you, Sonnedix, for the support received. It allows me to feel good about my job while relieving the financial struggles of this profession. It also provides me with a secure location where I don't need to worry about my beehives being stolen. The bees at Uglas solar plant are thriving!"

Beekeeper: Frédéric W

Site: Coti

"The partnership with Sonnedix allows me to overcome difficult periods for my growing farm, each year. Last year, the financial aid received allowed me to cover a large production deficit (due to weather conditions), while keeping some funds for other investments. Thank you, Sonnedix!"

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