Sonnedix global integrity reporting channels

Sonnedix is committed to the highest ethical standards in our work and in our interactions with customers, suppliers, utilities, co-investors, competitors and our community.

An important aspect of accountability and transparency is a mechanism to enable all individuals to voice concerns in a responsible and effective manner when they discover information that they believe shows wrongdoing. As a reporter, you are not required to identify yourself, whether submitting your report by webform or by telephone. Providing your name contact information is entirely optional.

Our Speak Up Policy reinforces our mentality to Do the Right Thing by placing a high value on ethical standards in our work and interactions.

How do you raise an integrity concern or ask a question?

Individuals may make a disclosure internally, in private, by contacting their Line Manager, Office Manager, Function Head, Representative Director, or any member of the SLT / SMT. If for some reason these contacts are unavailable, or you otherwise are uncomfortable with speaking to them directly – or feel that they have not adequately addressed your disclosure – you can use these helpful tools:

Preferred - The Ethico Web Integrity Portal or Ethico Integrity Hotline.

Preferred - If you feel uncomfortable making a report on your work PC, use a PC outside our work environment (such as one located at a friend’s house, your personal PC, a public library or internet café) through the Ethico secure website at https://www.mycompliancereport.com/MCR and inform the Sonnedix company access ID: SX.

Not Preferred - Alternatively employees can also ask questions or provide feedback directly to the Sonnedix Ethics & Compliance team at speakup@sonnedix.com (please note that this mailbox should not be used to raise a concern).

Not Preferred - Send correspondence (name or anonymously) by post to Sonnedix, 90 Union Street, First Floor, London, SE10NW, United Kingdom, Attention: Sonnedix Ethics & Compliance Team. Reports mailed should be marked “Private and Confidential” with the reference “Integrity Concern".

Additionally, all stakeholders that have a business relationship with Sonnedix can file a report by using the same the Ethico Web Integrity Portal or Ethico Integrity Hotline as described above.

Frequently Asked Questions

What categories or types of concerns should I raise?

You can raise concerns about potential violations of the Sonnedix’s global policies, our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, the law or regulations. Some examples are concerns regarding financial wrongdoing, harassment, discrimination or other issues in the workplace, data privacy and information security, third party vendor management issues, misuse of company assets, fraud, human rights, unfair business practices, conflicts of interest, and more.

What type of information do I need to provide?

When submitting your report, please keep in mind that the information you provide or the allegations that you make could result in decisions that affect Sonnedix personnel and other third parties involved in the matter. Please kindly provide us only with accurate information to the best of your knowledge.

To ensure a comprehensive and fair investigation, we ask you to provide as much information as possible, all relevant facts (including what happened, who was involved, where, when did it happen, and how did it happen), along with thorough explanations. Reports which lack details or evidence may not justify further investigation or review.

What not to report

The reporting channels described above are available for integrity concerns. Individual employee grievances / complaints relating to job performance, and complaints related to the terms and conditions of employment should be reported through the Sonnedix People team directly and are not considered integrity concerns by nature.

If you are experiencing an issue with a colleague’s behaviour which does not align with our inclusive culture and values, in addition to Sonnedix Speak Up Policy, please refer to Sonnedix Equal Opportunities & Dignity at Work Policy. This also includes addressing harassment and bullying. As a general guideline, if your concern relates to a disagreement or disrespect, first consider whether the most effective way of addressing it is to discuss it with the person involved. If this would not be appropriate, you may raise it through the channels laid out in the Equal Opportunities and Dignity at Work Policy, and if you feel that your concern is not satisfactorily addressed, then you may use the Integrity Reporting Channels.

If you would like to check more FAQs, please visit the Sonnedix Global Integrity Reporting Channels Portal.

Next Steps After Reporting

Concerns reported via the Sonnedix Web Integrity Portal or Sonnedix Integrity Hotline are received and processed by an independent service provider (Ethico) and this provider is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You do not have to give your name. At the end of your report, you will be given a report number so that you can follow the progress of your report online or by telephone. Record the report number and password and keep them in a safe place.

The independent service provider forwards the report through the Ethico secure website to the Sonnedix Ethics & Compliance team.

All reports are subject to appropriate investigation and are brought to full closure.

Sonnedix values the help of employees who identify and speak up about potential concerns. Speaking up is encouraged, and employees who speak up are protected from victimization and retaliation for concerns raised in Good Faith (believed to be true).

Sonnedix will take all reasonable steps to ensure confidentiality throughout the reporting process, so individuals reporting a concern should not fear that their identity or issue will be improperly disclosed or abused. Reporters will be treated with respect and care. If a reporter informs Sonnedix about retaliation, Sonnedix takes this seriously and investigates. Sonnedix will discipline anyone who engages in retaliation.

Should you have any questions or feedback regarding our Speak Up Policy, please feel free to reach out to the Ethics & Compliance team at speakup@sonnedix.com.