Inspiring the future generations in Spain through renewable energy

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2 May, 2023

On March 23rd, and taking advantage of the first signs of a well-awaited spring, our Sonnedix team members in Madrid took a little side trip to nearby region of Castilla y León (northeast of Spain), to visit one of our newly-built solar PV plants in the province of Valladolid: Sonnedix Los Pontones, located in the town of Aldeamayor de San Martín.

The plant belongs to a 70 MW portfolio comprised of five solar PV plants in its totality, with four of them already in operation, and a fifth one completing construction work within the second quarter of this year. The portfolio, acquired by Sonnedix in its development stage back in 2022, is the first one Sonnedix develops, build, and operates in the province of Valladolid.

Sonnedix’s Senior Project Manager in Spain, Jesús Espinosa Pelegrin, with support of our ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) team, organized this school site visit together with the elementary school of students of Margarita Salas Arroyo de la Encomienda (Valladolid).

Over 60 students – aged 5 – visited the 15MW solar PV plant and learned, through various workshops and activities, how solar energy is produced within a solar photovoltaic (PV) plant, the benefits of renewable energy, and how we can all work together to fight climate change.

Our Sonnedix team members were delighted to see all children actively participating in all the activities and were also surprised about how much these young minds already knew about the advantages of renewable energy and the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It was truly gratifying seeing how the future generations are being educated in these important matters within their schools, and we congratulate the teachers of Margarita Salas Arroyo de la Encomienda for the outstanding job they are doing with the problem-solvers of tomorrow!

By the end of the day, all children created their own little solar cell, and were given a copy of our Sonnedix comic Eco-3 Team - available online here! - and a plantable pencil, to remember their first visit to a solar PV plant with Sonnedix.

" Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to learn about the functioning of solar PV plant. The students have enjoyed all the workshops, learning while playing, and getting to understand, from a young age, the importance of using renewable energy. The natural environment, excellent organisation of activities adapted to such a demanding young audience, and friendliness of everyone on site, has made this visit a fantastic, fun, and constructive experience”.

Alicia Merino Pérez,

teacher at Margarita Salas Arroyo de la Encomienda Elementary School



School visits are one of the many regular activities the Sonnedix team offers under the umbrella of its Sonnedix Sustainability Academy. This program created by the ESG team helps us fulfill our role as social citizens, particularly by educating the problem-solvers of tomorrow and inspiring the newer generations to get interested in the many ways in which renewable energy can benefit our lives, and help us fight climate change. The Sonnedix Sustainability Academy is open to anyone who wants to learn about renewable energy, through different resources available online in various languages and for different ages, inviting us to do lessons and workshops in schools, or organizing a school visit to one of our renewable energy plants.

Visit the Academy

We continue working to develop more resources and innovative initiatives to bring renewable energy closer to children and young adults, like SolQuest, our game and virtual visit to the Sonnedix Atacama Solar plant in the desert of Atacama in Chile - available here!


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